New research just landed out of the U.S suggests that time spent on Facebook has no real impact on school results. With an average time on Facebook of 106 minutes per day (yep, you heard right!) it would take an increase of around 93 minutes to begin to affect results. I’m really not sure about this. Last year as I viewed my year 11 son attempting to study and witnessed the constant Facebook interruptions, I asked him the question, “does Facebook effect your ability to study?”. He didn’t hesitate in responding with a resounding “yes”.

I then asked a number of his friends the same question after the year 12 results were published and added a bit to the question. I asked, “did Facebook effect your VCE results and if it did, by how much?”. The range was anything between 1 to 5 points. From this anecdotal evidence I created an online survey and pushed it out to recently completed 2010 VCE students. Whilst the respondant numbers were low, it did indicate that over 40% of VCE students did believe that Facebook cost them some points.

Make of it what you will.

Read more at Mashable