Tagging explained

Great article at Mashable demystifying the black art (and ever changing art of facebook privacy settings) of tagging.

Announcing: The PD for schools looking to create a Facebook page

March 21 & 27

Over the last year, there’s been a growing band of schools using Facebook to connect with their community. With the average user visiting Facebook over 58 times per month, school content is now where your parents are every day. It’s just like having a spot in a daily newspaper – for free. The early adopting schools now serve as living and breathing case studies with their experiences overwhelmingly positive.

Communications has moved on to such an extent that the experts say that websites are for search and social media is for community engagement. And Facebook is the biggest communications game in town.

“It (Facebook) is amazing to develop and maintain relationships with the community, and nowhere near as scary as I initially thought.” Jo Stephens Principal Malvern Springs Primary School

‘The’ PD for schools looking to create a Facebook page, will take you through all the issues from security, content creation, administration and community protocols. There is much more to this medium than simply creating a page.

So if you’ve ever considered creating a facebook page for your school or are just curious to see what all the fuss is about, we’d love to see you at the seminar. All the session details are contained in the attachment.

2 sessions:

March 21 Hawthorn and March 27 Geelong

To register download the form here Facebook PD for schools


got to be one of the years most simple but most participatory posts

Starbucks – “When was the last time you talked to your best friend?” Brilliantly simple. 1833 comments 13,148 likes

The new Facebook timeline’s on its way. Have you got the head space for it?

I’ve just spent the last 30 minutes getting my head around what the new Facebook timeline will mean; you all need to, it’s on its way very soon. It’s hit New Zealand already.

Look I’m not a power user nor do I have the social life that needs this level of managing – sadly – but I’m really unsure about the new timeline. I think the uptake will be limited but even if you don’t want to play with it or in it, you’ll still need to get your head around it.

For mine I do not see it appealing to the majority of Facebook’s 800 million users. Publishing my life’s story for all to see is just to transparent and egotistical. But that’s not all. You’re going to have to keep your wits about you when it comes to this new world of ‘frictionless’ sharing.

There’s going to be a lot to learn and if you want a great head start, visit these links for the low down.

Facebook Timeline: The Complete Guide

The new Facebook: How to Take Control of Your Privacy


Where do people look when they view your facebook page?

Thank you Eye Track Shop and Mashable

Facebook’s new analytics

We’re gaining greater insights into to what matters on Facebook in terms of brand engagement. It used to be all about the number of ‘likes’ but we soon learned that this is meaningless if people do not connect with the brand beyond the initial seduction. We see this on twitter. You’ve seen this, 14 tweets, 17,302 followers, 18,543 following. Really! What’s the point? Facebook recognises that its’ the depth of the engagement that makes for a greater user experience which in turn will translate into better results for businesses.

We’ve recently seen the addition of the metric ‘People are talking about this’ and now we see a new metric of ‘virality’, which allows for insight into how viral a particular post is. Virality is determined by dividing the number of “people talking about this” by the reach (the number of people who actually saw the content). Diana notes that because virality is a percentage, whether a business is large or small, the metric “can be used to compare across all Page posts.” The virality metric allows page admins to analyze the success of individual posts and will hopefully lead to an improved page strategy through a better understanding of the audience.

To read more go to Mashable.

We all need to be reminded how to Google more effectively

Thanks Mashable

C’mon, what’s the average age of a Facebook user?

And what about the average number of friends? News stats have just hit….oh yea, the answers are 38 and 229. Five years ago the ave user’s age was 33.

Read more at Mashable

Love the infograph too

Blogging down, Tweeting up

Our attention spans are getting shorter. Here’s an example; even the generally long, very long Indian movies are being reduced to 90 minutes. Seems like we’re loosing our ability to stay on task. If you can’t get us quickly then get out of the way because here comes a tweet that can.

While the number of blogs on the Internet, as tracked by BlogPulse, rose just 21% from 126 million in 2009 to 152 million in 2010, the Tweets on Twitter were up 160% over the same period, according to Internet monitoring website pingdom.com.

Read more here (that is if I haven’t lost you already)

Thanks The Economic Times (appropriate name me thinks!)

Ever heard of Obermutten – didn’t think so.

Well this tiny Swiss hamlet with a population 79 has had over 60 million facebook views; more than St Moritz and Florence. There’s great democracy on the net. All you need is a little creativity, stroking people’s ego and ……… well perhaps a bit of luck.